Address & Tel.

1 Orchard Boulevard Camden Medical Centre #08 - 02 Singapore 248649

Dental Info

Dental Info:

verified by  Verified by team through Singapore Dental Council (SDC) Public Dental Listings on 17/1/19
Do Note that the Dialing Code for Singapore is (+65) , The number listed here is Singapore Telephone Number, This is a Dental Clinic based in Singapore 🇸🇬  (SG Dentist). 

Attending Doctors:

Dr. Liew Yearn Sheong Christina - BDSc 1991, University of Melbourne, Australia

Dental Treatments Provided* : [ Filling (Composites , GICs , Temporary Fillings) , Scaling & Polishing , Porcelain/Steel/Zirconia Crown&Bridge , Braces ( General cases of orthodontics ) , Dental Implant* ( Implantology ) Cosmetic/Aesthetic Dentistry, Denture/PartialDenture , Periodontics , Prosthodontics , Orthodontic , Endodontic (Root Canal Treatment " RCT ") , Minor Oral Surgery ( MOS ) , Teeth Whitening , Veneer / veneers Management of Periodontitis ( Deep Scaling ) , Retainers , Extractions , ( Bruxism ) Mouth guards , Pediatric Dentistry ( Children's Dentistry ) , Routine Check-up , Etc ]

Please call in advance to make sure the treatment is available to avoid disappointment

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