
An Optimal Immune System Is Always Your Best Defense - Prevention is better than cure 

Use a Water Ionizer machine in Your Clinic Today for both yourself and your patients .. 

Dentists, Doctors, Nurses, Medical Staff & Patients Are Human Too

Occasionally, we are in pain or unwell, we immediately seek solutions from professionals. When we are sick, we see a Doctor, if you have a toothache or discomfort you see a Dentist. Did we ever think that they are also vulnerable to fall sick as well?

If you are in a profession that faces a general public everyday with the uncertainty of whether your client is carrying a contagious bug be it a common cold or flu virus or even HIV or Hep B virus you are in the frontline and have the highest risk of exposure.

If you are working in such an environment , you will also be very conscientious of maintaining a platform with or without equipment whereby it does not harbour or spread nasty bacteria and viruses. Including yourselves, as most people return home to a loving family and would not want to have their loved ones exposed to those risks as well.

Recent illnesses and outbreaks have gotten a lot of people worried and panicky. Most people are not only worried for themselves but for their young children or elderly parents. This outbreak no doubt magnifies the urgency for maximum protection and prevention in whatever ways we can. Outbreaks happen every now and again and we now know that an optimal immune system and proper hygiene is your best defense, if not your only defense. If ever one is so unlucky to actually be infected , at least, stand a chance to recover!

Can we actually boost up our immune system overnight ?... unlikely. Of course, we can take a crash course and do the immediate changes like start exercising or sleeping earlier, eating healthier food or supplements and drinking more water but the effects will not come immediately. Why not start anyway, so that we are prepared to face the next one and we believe in normal days, nobody would deny a healthy body which is needed for a good quality of life anyway.
Why are we so sure that an optimum immune system is our best defense? That is because we know that given the right materials and conditions, our body can actually heal itself. In order to sustain life, we have to breathe air, eat food and drink water. However, the quality of the air, food and water is what determines a healthy body.


Water is the elixir of life. But is all water healthy for us?

● For healthy water it needs to be able to give you proper hydration , anti-oxidation and detoxification. At times like these, the Vitamin C’s and Echinaceas have been emptied out of the shelf , how about you have abundance of antioxidation to provide the support to your immune system
● A healthy immune system also needs to remove the burden of external pollutants like consuming foods laden with pesticides, smoking, drinking etc . so, detoxification is also vital to maintain a good immune system.
● And for proper hygiene – Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) produced by electrolysis using table salt that is safe for human tissue and therefore safe for our home. And it is lab tested to be able to kill viruses and bacteria including e-coli, salmonella, MRSA, Hepatitis B and several more. We are told to always wash our hands with disinfectants but sometimes it’s not convenient especially when you just walked off a lift or got off an LRT.

Water is an essential need, one has to drink water anyway so drink water that boosts your immune system and not deplete your essential minerals needed for proper defense now.

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We are using a Japanese technology with ISO13485 (medical grade standard) & it is Water Quality Association (WQA) Gold Seal certified and it has more than 45 years of establishment.

Why use HOCL derived from our machine? It’s because it is derived from table salt & water and it’s safe enough to gargle hence it can be used to spray onto face, or food or toys. Other disinfectants may contain some form of harmful chemicals or alcohols.
✔ Call now for a free demo, learn how you can convert your tap water to healthy drinking water and other functional water for our food hygiene, home care & disinfectant.
✔ BONUS - have your drinking water accessed to see if it is boosting your immune system or depleting your essential minerals needed by your immune system to work at optimal level.
✔ First 20 people registered and attended the demo will be eligible for a 2 week FREE TRIAL

[Terms & Condition applies]
For Selangor & Kuala Lumpur
appointment schedules will be within a
week of registration.
For others states only in Peninsular
Malaysia – appointment dates will be
subject to scheduling.

Phone / WhatsApp: +60 12 3812072
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yours truly,
HH Yap