As a clinic owner, you must be wondering, should I be opening my clinic at night or during the weekends?

Based on our Analytics reports for the past few years, we might have some insights for you .. 


The information below have been compiled with 98% Malaysian visitors to Dentistsnearby , searching for Dentists on mainly Google & other search websites. 

The figure below is the number of visitors to dentistsnearby for the past 6 months 



- The top day for clinic operation would be on Mondays 





While the timing for clinic operations would be suggested to be between 9am - 9pm 



Hope our report will be able to assist you in your judgement of your clinic's working hours



DISCLAIMER: The reports above are meant only for educational purposes and not legal nor professional advice, Utilisation of These Data Are Solely Your Responsibility . Dentistsnearby (or any of her team members) Would Not Be Held Liable For Any Damages done Physically , Financially , Mentally, Spiritually & Emotionally
