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We do know there is an issue with the long waiting time for new dental graduates to be inducted into the Malaysian government for our compulsary service, below is the official press release statement released from the Director General of Health's Office. [rough english google translation below]

Kenyataan Akhbar KPK 6 Mac 2016: Isu Nasib Graduan Bidang Pergigian yang Terpaksa Menunggu Hampir Setahun untuk Penempatan Khidmat Wajib di Hospital Kerajaan

Pada 4 dan 5 Mac 2016, Buletin Utama TV3 telah melaporkan mengenai nasib graduan bidang pergigian yang terpaksa menunggu hampir setahun untuk penempatan khidmat wajib di hospital kerajaan.

Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) sedia maklum dan sangat prihatin di atas isu penempatan graduan pergigian baru. Pada ketika ini, terdapat kekangan perjawatan kosong bagi Pegawai Pergigian di KKM kerana jawatan yang sedia ada hampir keseluruhannya (99%) telah diisi. Seramai 980 graduan telah mendaftar dengan Majlis Pergigian Malaysia pada tahun 2015 dan jumlah ini menunjukkan peningkatan yang amat ketara berbanding dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah ini, seramai 504 graduan telah mendapat penempatan di KKM. Baki sebanyak 476 telah menunggu selama 6 – 9 bulan dan masih belum mendapat penempatan memandangkan hanya 87 perjawatan kosong untuk diisi. Tambahan pula, kadar atrisi (attrition rate) Pegawai Pergigian pada 2015 adalah hanya lapan peratus (8%).

Peningkatan jumlah graduan ini sebahagian besarnya disumbangkan oleh jumlah graduan luar negara yang telah menunjukkan peningkatan hampir dua kali ganda sejak tahun 2014 (2013: 245 orang; 2014: 447 orang; 2015: 482 orang). Namun, peningkatan ini bukanlah bermakna terdapat lambakan graduan pergigian. Berdasarkan unjuran keperluan Pegawai Pergigian oleh KKM, negara masih memerlukan Pegawai Pergigian. Dengan mengambil kira pertambahan penduduk, jangkaan bilangan graduan dan bilangan atrisi, nisbah Pengamal Pergigian kepada penduduk semasa iaitu 1: 3,000 hanya akan tercapai pada tahun 2018. Selaras dengan itu, pembangunan dan perkembangan fasiliti di KKM juga akan dikaji semula supaya tidak menjejaskan perancangan penempatan graduan pergigian untuk khidmat wajib.

Keperluan khidmat wajib di sektor awam bagi graduan pergigian adalah seperti yang terkandung di dalam Akta Pergigian 1971. Perkhidmatan awam ini merangkumi Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi dan Kementerian Pertahanan. Pada masa ini, majoriti (95%) menjalani khidmat wajib di KKM. Khidmat wajib pada dasarnya dilaksanakan supaya bilangan Pegawai Pergigian di perkhidmatan awam mencukupi bagi meningkatkan aksesibiliti perkhidmatan pergigian kepada Rakyat. Selaras dengan perkembangan semasa dan setelah mengambil kira pengeluaran graduan pergigian dari pelbagai universiti dalam dan luar negara, khidmat wajib ini juga dapat memastikan graduan dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan sistem kesihatan negara.

Beberapa pendekatan telah diambil bagi menangani masalah penempatan ini:

Pengurangan tempoh khidmat wajib
Khidmat wajib telah bemula pada tahun 2001. Pada masa itu tempoh khidmat wajib adalah selama tiga tahun. Dengan peningkatan bilangan Pegawai Pergigian, tempoh khidmat wajib telah dikurangkan ke dua tahun pada 5hb April 2012 dan seterusnya kepada satu tahun pada 1 Julai 2015. Pengurangan tempoh khidmat wajib akan memberi peluang kepada Pegawai Pergigian untuk berkhidmat di sektor swasta dalam tempoh yang lebih singkat.

Penamatan Pegawai Pergigian kontrak bukan warganegara dan pesara
Sejak tahun 2012, panduan lantikan pegawai kontrak di KKM telah dikaji semula di mana KKM telah menamatkan lantikan Pegawai Pergigian kontrak bukan warganegara dan pesara. Langkah ini memberi laluan pekerjaan kepada graduan baru.

Moratorium Program Pergigian
Mulai 1 Mac 2013, Moratorium Program Pergigian telah dikuatkuasa selama tempoh 5 tahun sehingga 2018. Salah satu syarat yang terkandung dalam moratorium adalah menghadkan jumlah pengambilan pelajar tempatan kepada 800 setahun.

Pewujudan jawatan baharu bagi Pegawai Pergigian
Mengambilkira keperluan dan ekspektasi rakyat terhadap perkhidmatan kesihatan pergigian yang semakin meningkat serta pembangunan fasiliti kesihatan yang dinamik, jawatan Pegawai Pergigian baru diwujudkan secara berfasa. Pada tahun ini, sebanyak 391 jawatan pada gred U41 baru dan 300 jawatan kontrak bagi warganegara telah diwujudkan bagi menempatkan baki graduan pergigian tahun 2015 yang belum dilantik. Permohonan jawatan tambahan Pegawai Pergigian akan dibuat secara berperingkat untuk graduan 2016 dan berikutnya.

Memperhalusi kaedah-kaedah lain
Beberapa perbincangan telah dan akan diadakan dengan pelbagai pihak berkepentingan (stakeholders) termasuk pihak swasta bagi mengkaji kaedah-kaedah lain bagi mengatasi isu penempatan Pegawai Pergigian. Kaedah-kaedah penempatan graduan pergigian akan diperhalusi dengan lebih terperinci sebelum sebarang keputusan muktamad dicapai.

Sekian, terima kasih
6 MAC 2016



Google translated Press Release statement in English:

Press Release March 6, 2016: The fate of dental graduates that have to wait over a year for the placement of Compulsory Service in Government Hospitals & Clinics

On the 4 and 5 March 2016, Bulletin Utama TV3 has reported on the fate of dental graduates who had to wait almost a year for the placement of compulsory service in government hospitals & clinics.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) are aware and highly concerned over the issue of the placement of new dental graduates. At this point, there are constraints of vacant posts for Dental Officer in the Ministry of Health because the existing posts (99%) were all taken up. A total of 980 graduates have registered with the Malaysian Dental Council in 2015 and this number shows a significant increment compared to the previous years. Of these, a total of 504 graduates have obtained placements in the MOH. The balance of 476 had to wait for 6-9 months and still have not got placement as only 87 vacant posts to be filled. Furthermore, the rate of attrition (attrition rate) Dental Officer in 2015 is only at eight percent (8%).

The increased number of dental graduates is largely attributed to the number of overseas graduates who have shown an increase of almost doubled since the year 2014 (2013: 245; 2014: 447; 2015: 482 employees). However, this increase does not mean that there is a huge jump of dental graduates. Based on the projected requirements by MOH Dental Officers, the country still need continuous supply of Dental Officers. Taking into account the increase in population, the expected number of graduates and the number of attrition, the ratio of Dental Practitioners to the current population of 1: 3,000 will only be achieved by 2018. Accordingly, the development and expansion of facilities at the Ministry of Health will also be reviewed so as not to affect the graduate placement scheme dentistry for compulsory service.

Compulsory service requirements in the public sector for dental graduates are as contained in the Dental Act 1971. The public service comprises the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Defence. At this time, the majority (95%) underwent compulsory service in the Ministry of Health. Service shall in principle be carried out so that the number of dental officers in the public service sufficient to improve the accessibility of dental services to the people. In line with current developments and taking into account the production of dental graduates from various universities in and abroad, compulsory service can also ensure graduates are able to adapt to the country's health system.

Several approaches have been taken to address this problem of placement:

Reducing the period of compulsory service
Compulsory service was commenced in 2001. At that time the compulsory service period is for three years. With the increasing number of dental officers, period of compulsory service was reduced to two years on 5th April 2012 and then to one year on 1 July 2015. The reduction in the period of compulsory service will provide an opportunity for dental officers to serve in the private sector within a shorter period.

Termination of the contract is not a citizen Dental Officer and pensioners
Since 2012, the guide appointed officials in the MOH contract was reviewed in the Ministry of Health has terminated the contract of appointment Dental Officers are not citizens and pensioners. The move allows jobs to new graduates.

Moratorium Dental Program
Starting March 1, 2013, the Dental Program moratorium was enforced for a period of 5 years up to 2018. One of the conditions contained in the moratorium is to limit the intake of local students to 800 per year.

The creation of new posts for Dental Officer
Taking into account the needs and expectations of the people on oral health in the growing and dynamic development of health facilities, the newly created post of Dental Officer in phases. This year, a total of 391 new posts in grades U41 and 300 contract posts for nationals was created to put the remainder of dental graduates in 2015 who has not been appointed. Request additional Dental Officer positions will be created in stages for 2016 and subsequent graduates.

Refine other methods
Some discussions have been and will be held with various stakeholders (stakeholders), including the private sector to examine other methods to resolve the issue of placement of dental officers. The rules placement of dental graduates will be refined in more detail before any final decision is reached.

Director General Of Health Malaysia
6 MAC 2016

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